
How to Meditate

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This How to Meditate article also includes:

Everything you ever wanted to know about mindful meditation can be found in this New York Times article. The article contains information about what mindful meditation is and what it isn't, about how to and how not to practice the techniques, about where to find additional information and support. A great technique for personal or classroom use.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Preview the materials, listen to and practice the linked meditations, and then select ones appropriate for your teaching situation
  • Use mindful meditations as brain breaks and to restore calm
Classroom Considerations
  • To avoid misconceptions, share the article with parents/guardians and indicate how you plan to include mindful meditation in your classroom
  • Includes audiotapes of 1, 4, 10, and 15-minute meditations
  • There is even a list of reviewed meditation apps
  • None