Lesson Plan

STDs: Grades 9-12

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

After gathering information about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), high schoolers engage in two activities designed to educate themselves and others. They begin by using what they have learned to write a speech for a friend who discovers she has chlamydia and wants to share her story to educate others. A second activity asks individuals to provide advice to fictional teens dealing with STD-related issues.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Divide the class into seven groups, assign each a different STD to investigate, and have them report their findings to the entire class
  • Post contact information for local testing and support services
Classroom Considerations
  • Some schools require parent permission to discuss topics such as STDs; check with your district's policies before conducting the lesson
  • Coordinate the lesson with a local healthcare professional
  • The speech writing activity may be assigned as homework
  • The packet includes a comprehension quiz and an answer key
  • None