Lesson Plan

What Reduces Sexual Risks?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Teens don't have the ability to see around all of the corners of their decisions, some of which can affect the rest of their lives. Help them understand the implications of risky sexual behavior, including sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy, and the ways they can protect themselves.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Use one, some, or all of the lessons in a health class or teen issues course when discussing sexuality
  • Give class members the opportunity to journal their thoughts privately if they are not comfortable sharing out loud
Classroom Considerations
  • References serious topics such as teen pregnancy and HIV/AIDS with probability exercises; be sure that class members can discuss these topics in a mature manner
  • Discusses the individual implications of having HIV/AIDS, but does not refer to the global crisis of many countries who are crippled by the disease
  • Provides a great tip about inviting an employee at a local clinic to speak to your class, as it might be helpful for them to know that there's a friendly face if they ever need to go to the clinic
  • Prompts open and honest discussions about sexual risks and ways avoid them
  • None